The Next 90 With Nick
The Next 90 With Nick
Compounding Momentum Towards your Goal
16 minutes Posted May 27, 2021 at 10:59 am.
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Nick is on day twenty-two of his thirty day ‘Reactivation’, a program he designed for his coaching clients and himself.  It’s simply a framework to operate within to get the results you want.  Nick says the results are showing up because he’s been showing up for himself.  It’s all about compounding momentum towards your goal.  We all have momentum at work in our lives one way or the other, it’s either upward or downward.  Nick recalls a time he hit a dark patch and stepped away from his podcast. The longer he was away from the air the harder it was to come back.  He had to do something new to break the cycle, and now he’s committed to an upward momentum through daily discipline.  Wouldn’t you rather put in the work and be tired physically than to not and be tired mentally or emotionally?


Next90 is about leveling up your life by breaking it down 90 days at a time. It's also about finding gratitude to all the people in our lives that made everything possible. This podcast makes you reflect and look in a mirror to figure out you are the only problem in your life; therefore, you are the only solution. In today's episode, Nick talks about where he started. He also shares how he envisioned his goals and how the universe provided what he deserved because of his hard work and perseverance. Nick is always grateful for himself because he didn't give up on his visions, even when he felt like he was dragging anchors. That's why he thought he needed to share his knowledge.