Rock Your Kindness with Tracey Ferrin Presented By: Love What Matters
Rock Your Kindness with Tracey Ferrin Presented By: Love What Matters
Love What Matters
Becoming a Love Advocate | Rock Your Kindness Podcast
41 minutes Posted Mar 16, 2023 at 4:00 am.
] Welcome back to Rock Your Kindness Podcast, hosted by Tracey Ferrin
] Question: What was going through your head as you were watching your daughter be so loving to a complete stranger?
] Question: What would you say to someone who is struggling with returning to love purely?
] Love Speaks
] Love What Matters
] Deconstructing Mamas
] ​​”I wanna be love, whatever that looks like. It'll be different for whoever. Just let people know I wanna be a mirror that reflects who they truly are back to themselves.”
] Question: Are there any books or resources that you could recommend to someone who maybe wants to learn more about this and become better?
] Question: What drove you to this work to just be so passionate and committed to being a Love Advocate?
] Question: I know we talked about love and what your definition is, but what is your definition of kindness?
] The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom
] “Don't take things personally, don't make assumptions, be impeccable with your word, and do your best.”
] I Am Love And So Are You
] To connect with Shelby check her out on IG @shelspear or visit her website
] Thanks for listening to this episode of Rock Your Kindness. If you know someone this story might resonate with, send them a link to this episode. Also, tag me Tracey Ferrin on Instagram at @Traceyferrin and let me know what part of this story resonated with you the most. The best way to help support this show is to rate, review and subscribe. :) Until next time… Rock Your Kindness
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Show notes
Rock Your Kindness highlights extraordinary stories of everyday people experiencing life-changing kindness. Whether it's a random act, saves a life, or helps you be kinder to yourself, these stories will increase empathy, compassion, and hope. You never know how your kindness can change the trajectory of your life or the life of another.Rock Your Kindness is hosted by Tracey Ferrin. Tracey is a mother, wife, best-selling author, and TikTok superstar. She is often called a "breath of fresh air" by those who know and meet her. She is a mom of 4 and has been married to the love of her life for 18 years. Together, they call Texas home.In this episode, Tracey chats with Shelby about her journey to becoming a Love Advocate and the inspiration her daughter gave her throughout. Shelby and Tracey also discuss how to cultivate kindness and how it must start with you before it can be passed on to others, and more!“Don't take things personally, don't make assumptions, be impeccable with your word, and do your best.”Show Notes: 
11:30] Love Speaks
12:10] Love What Matters 
12:38] Deconstructing Mamas
13:09] ​​”I wanna be love, whatever that looks like. It'll be different for whoever. Just let people know I wanna be a mirror that reflects who they truly are back to themselves.”
25:06] The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom
25:10] “Don't take things personally, don't make assumptions, be impeccable with your word, and do your best.”
32:32] To connect with Shelby check her out on IG @shelspear or visit her website 
35:16] Thanks for listening to this episode of Rock Your Kindness. If you know someone this story might resonate with, send them a link to this episode. Also, tag me Tracey Ferrin on Instagram at @Traceyferrin and let me know what part of this story resonated with you the most. The best way to help support this show is to rate, review and subscribe. :) Until next time… Rock Your Kindness
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