The Law School Toolbox Podcast: Tools for Law Students from 1L to the Bar Exam, and Beyond
The Law School Toolbox Podcast: Tools for Law Students from 1L to the Bar Exam, and Beyond
Alison Monahan and Lee Burgess - Law School Toolbox, LLC
003 - Mastering the On-Campus Interviewing (OCI) Process
43 minutes Posted Aug 17, 2015 at 4:55 pm.
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Welcome back to the Law School Toolbox podcast. For the next two episodes, we’re talking about the process of getting a summer associate position at a large law firm – typically referred to as on-campus interviewing or OCI. The details of the process vary somewhat between schools, but the basics are similar across the board.


In this episode, we talk about improving your resume and cover letter, how to figure out what firms to bid on in OCI and how to keep them straight, how the process typically works (and differences between different schools), what to wear, what the interviews are like, and what firms are looking for. We also share tips from our experience interviewing potential summer associate candidates - the good, the bad, and the ugly, and talk about the weird stuff we had to explain when we did OCI.


If you're a law student going through OCI, this is a can't miss episode! 


If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Lee and Alison at or or you can always contact us via our website contact form at


Enjoy, and good luck at OCI!

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Alison & Lee