The IVY Podcast
The IVY Podcast
#124: The Fox Hunt: One Refugee’s Miraculous Escape to Freedom with Activist & Author Mohammed Al Samawi
43 minutes Posted Apr 24, 2018 at 8:00 am.
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As extremist groups surrounded his apartment in Aden, Yemen, Mohammed Al Samawi made a last-ditch appeal for help from his Facebook network. Amazingly, over the course of two weeks, four near-strangers devised a daring mission to lead him to safety — an improbable journey that spanned six technological platforms and ten time zones.

Al Samawi shares his moving story in the new book The Fox Hunt, which was picked up last year for a film adaptation by La La Land producer Marc Platt and the Oscar-winning screenwriter of Spotlight, Josh Singer.

Al Samawi joined IVY for a live conversation in NYC to tell the tale of his miraculous escape to freedom from war, rebel fighters, and Al-Qaeda extremists.