The Ginni Show
The Ginni Show
Ginni Saraswati
Monday Mocha with Dr Seku Gathers
22 minutes Posted Jan 8, 2018 at 12:00 am.
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Happy New Year Everyone!
So last week, you got a dose of "The Ginni Snow." I couldn't get the episode out as I was snowed in! But safe to say the actual "Ginni Show," is back on Wednesday. It's been crazy cold weather here in New York. I got my first experience in shovelling show. It was fun until I couldn't feel my hands anymore. The other fun part of snow is knowing how much to layer. It's a catch. If you layer too much, it means that every single establishment you walk into, there's a potential that you have to de-layer and that takes time. Otherwise you can just risk potentially sweating up a storm. 
Nonetheless, it's the perfect time to warm up with a mocha. This week's guest is filmmaker, podcaster and emergency physician Dr Seku Gathers. You may have heard his podcast - The Truth Prescription which is out today and every other Monday. We talk about money versus passion and legacy, why it's important to audit the closest people around you and an attempt to teach me some "hood," talk.
Follow Seku: @thetruthprescriptionpodcast
Available on: iTunes | ACast | Stitcher | Google Play
Featured Voices: Ginni Saraswati, Dr Seku Gathers & Sam Phelps
NEXT EPISODE: Monday Mocha Jan 15 / The Ginni Show Wednesday Jan 10
Photos: Joey Middleton  

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