The Dice Tower
The Dice Tower
Tom Vasel and Eric Summerer
At The Table with The Dice Tower - Back to Back
1 hour 5 minutes Posted Apr 30, 2024 at 3:00 am.
Playing Games All The Time? 02:40 - Jack Vasel Memorial Fund Auction (link below) 04:11 - Julie at The Gathering of Friends 14:32 - Eric in DC and Philly 16:23 - Marathons, Cons, and Playing Lots of Games in a Row 39:07 - Tale of Boardgaming Horror 46:04 - El Burro (La Granja) 51:20 - Kohaku 53:48 - Cubitos: Fowl Play 55:45 - Expressions 57:51 - Agemonia 1:01:42 - Spinball Link to the Jack Vasel Memorial Fund Auction (Ends May 12th, 2024):
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Tom, Julie and Eric begin by recapping their recent travels, including Julie's trip to The Gathering of Friends and Eric's family trip to Washington DC and Philadelphia. Tom recalls the recent 36-hour marathon on the video chanel, which leads us into tips for playing several games in a row. We have a pretty darn horrific Tale of Boardgaming Horror, and finish the show with our Roses, Thorns, and Hula Hoops. 00:43 - Playing Games All The Time? 02:40 - Jack Vasel Memorial Fund Auction (link below) 04:11 - Julie at The Gathering of Friends 14:32 - Eric in DC and Philly 16:23 - Marathons, Cons, and Playing Lots of Games in a Row 39:07 - Tale of Boardgaming Horror 46:04 - El Burro (La Granja) 51:20 - Kohaku 53:48 - Cubitos: Fowl Play 55:45 - Expressions 57:51 - Agemonia 1:01:42 - Spinball Link to the Jack Vasel Memorial Fund Auction (Ends May 12th, 2024):