The College Success Habits Podcast
The College Success Habits Podcast
Jesse Mogle
Develop an open-mind for maximum growth
34 minutes Posted Jul 12, 2019 at 12:59 am.
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Ep #12 - In this weeks episode we discuss principle #1 - Open-mindedness.

College is a taste test for the "real world." A growth mindset is the key that will unlock every door you come across in your collegiate journey as well as your life. A growth or fixed mindset can be present in any area of your life. You must be conscious of the self-talk, the limitations you hold yourself to, and be able to navigate through them to achieve what you desire in college and life.

Once you learn more about growth mindset, you will begin to see it, and especially the fixed mindset, all around you. On TV, the internet, social media, friends, family, yourself - mindset is the foundation in which all of everything is built, and it is your choice in how you approach every situation and the perspective you experience it through. 

Perception is your reality. In this episode, we dive into your mindset in order to maximize your potential.

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