The Arts of Language Podcast
The Arts of Language Podcast
IEW (Andrew Pudewa)
Episode 101: Ask Andrew Anything
1 seconds Posted Jul 12, 2017 at 9:01 am.
- Bethany asks, "If a paragraph starts with a #6 Very Short Sentence, does the clincher reflect the Very Short Sentence? Or does the clincher reflect the next sentence?"
Kathy asks, "My question is related to a sentence my boy wrote which we couldn't decide if it fits one of the openers. The sentence was along the lines of: 'Found around the North Pole, Beluga whales...'"
Cindy asks, "We feel our 6th grade, almost 12-year-old son has had weak writing instruction to this point. He's a voracious reader with great vocabulary and great grades to date, but he has Aspergers and ADHD. We are familiar with your work and are very interested in your online classes as a good way to meet his needs and receive great instruction. I was wondering if you had a good way of determining if we should select Level A or Level B for an online class?"
Heidi asks, "I don't think my daughter can handle both Fix It! and the Student Writing Intensive Level A. What should I do first? She is nine and will be in the 4th grade."
John asks, "I'm trying to determine the right course for my son, who will be in 9th grade this year. I see that Following Narnia Volume 1 is intended for grades 6–8. However, I believe someone mentioned on the IEW forum that Volume 1 can be adapted to make it appropriate for the High School level. Could you please provide some feedback?"
Rebecca asks, "I'm trying to find a writing program for my daughter to use before she goes to college this fall. She has had some writing, but needs to have basic improvement and practice. What do you suggest?"
Jacqueline asks, "My daughter is home-schooled and is entering the 9th grade. She writes very well and has not struggled in any area of the programs she has completed. She completed the Student Writing Intensive Level B and will be finishing the Continuation Course Level B in a couple of weeks. She would really like to complete a course geared more toward writing her own books this year. We are wondering if The Elegant Essay or Speech Boot Camp could be swapped out for A Guide to Writing Your Novel?"
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Show notes
Answering technical IEW questions ranging from topic/clincher sentences to crash writing courses before college, Andrew provides helpful insight and information about where to start and where to go during this Ask Andrew Anything episode.
Referenced Materials:
Teaching Writing: Structure and Style
Episode 100: Four-Wheelers and Make-up: A Radio Drama
Online Classes
Theme-Based Writing Lessons
Fix it! Grammar
Placement Test
Student Writing Intensive
Following Narnia Volume 1: The Lion's Song Laura Bettis
IEW Forum
Student Writing Intensive Level C by Andrew Pudewa and Jill Pike
Four Day Schedule 
High School Essay Intensive by Andrew Pudewa 
Advanced Communication Series by Andrew Pudewa and Danielle Olander 
Phonetic Zoo
Advanced Spelling & Vocabulary by James B. Webster, Andrew Pudewa, and Maria Gerber
The Elegant Essay by Lesha Myers 
A Guide to Writing Your Novel by Lee Roddy 
How to Write a Story by Lee Roddy 
One Year Adventure Novel 
Integrity College Solutions 
Questions Asked:
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