Survivor Fans Podcast
Survivor Fans Podcast
Nicaragua Finale
1 hour 7 minutes Posted Dec 22, 2010 at 12:36 am.
Date 00:04 Ancient Voices 21 Unapproved 00:32 Recap Finale Week 66:42 Ancient Voices 21 Unapproved
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We enjoyed the finale. Fabio sure made it interesting. The geography quiz immunity challenge was weak, but his come from behind win added some excitement. Who do you think had the best and worst jury questions? What did you think of the last two immunity challenges? How do you think this jury did? Were they objective, bitter, or carried away by their emotions? Were you surprised by the result? How big a factor was luck for the final 3? Who do you think played the better game from the perspective of the viewer? What do you think of Redemption Island? Would it have helped this season? Are you excited for season 22?
Congratulations to Dave from Australia, winner of Survivor Nicaragua JSFL!
Dave, like Fabio, scored a classic come from behind win! He picked Fabio to win before the season started and nailed the final 5 order perfectly.
Join us to wrap up the season with the final Listener Feedback show. Your final thoughts are due by 5pm PDT on Wednesday, December 22. You get 3 minutes. Make it count by sharing your unique perspectives on the finale and reunion shows as well as your thoughts on the upcoming season 22. Also, let us know where this season ranks for you.
We've got several ways you can reach us. You can call and leave a voicemail at 206-350-1547. You can record an audio comment and attach it or just type up a quick text message and send it to us via email at Lastly, there's a link for comments on the web page here. You can click that link and post your thoughts out there for everyone to see.
Ancient Voices 21 is out in iTunes as part of the new Survivor Themes Volume 2 collection. We prefer the Unapproved version!
Links for Today's Show Ancient Voices 21 is out in iTunes Paul's Visual Roster for Nicaragua Survivor Fans Podcast Fans group on Facebook JSFL
Contact Info:
Voicemail: 206-350-1547
Email: Survivor Fans Podcast P.O. Box 2811 Orangevale, CA 95662 Enjoy, Jo Ann and Stacy