Starve the Doubts
Starve the Doubts
Jared Easley
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The Art of Action with Jody Maberry
20 minutes Posted Aug 12, 2018 at 9:00 pm.
I realized that action is worth so much more than ideas, man, we have so many ideas, but take action on so few of them. Podcast movement started with an idea, starve the doubts. Started with an idea that was followed by action. So there it is.
Welcome to starve the doubts. I'm your host, jared. Easily. It's been a little while since you put out an episode. Shame on me. But as you know, I kinda take strategic breaks here and there and with podcast movement, Philadelphia being all in focused on that. Thankfully it was a great success, but that definitely required my attention. Uh, but today, now I have the attention of our guests. It really doesn't need an introduction. He's been on the show and more times than probably I have jody mayberry. Welcome back to starve the doubts,
jared, easily. It's great to be here and that seems like an exaggeration to say I've been on more than.
No, definitely not, but when we count all the different shows that you're involved in and then think back to when you were just a lowly cohost on starve the doubts years ago certainly surpassed me when it comes to podcast episode production. So part of me is proud of that and the other part of me is like, man, I've, I've, I've slipped, slipped, but it's all good. So congrats.
Thanks jared. It's, and I've, on my recent 100th episode of the Jody maberry show, I talk about how you are, the reason that happened, it never, if it hadn't been for starve the doubts and you're saying come on, be a cohost that never would've happened and I did the math recently, but I don't know the exact number off the top of my head, but there's been more episodes, but it's around now 730 episodes I've hosted and produced that. So that's.
Yeah, that's yeah, that's a lot of work. Anybody that's recorded more than three podcasts knows that, so congratulations.
Yeah, well thanks. And that doesn't count being on starve the doubts. That doesn't count any of those episodes. And I, we did a brief, me and Alex Barker, who you, I know you know him, we did a brief stint of a show called pharmacy live radio where I hosted, but he did all the production work. So those don't count in into that either. So it's been from that very first episode with James Woosley Til now. My goodness, jared, you really, uh, gave me a slingshot and I've been taken windows out with it.
Well, I love your slingshot and a, I want to talk about things that aren't. Podcasting is, yes, you are a podcaster and we mentioned this prior to hitting record, but you don't necessarily tell people I'm a podcaster. And so let's just touch on that just for a moment. Jodie, why don't you just come out and say, I'm a podcaster. You've approached it differently. What's the thought behind that?
Well, the approach that I take is that I'm a consultant. That podcast. I'm a businessman that podcasts, like I know a podcast stuff, but the reason this works for me is because of the people I work with, they've never looked for a podcast or to help them. They've always looked for somebody that understands them, understand what they do, understands business, and if you can help them use podcasting to get their message out, then so be it, but that. So that's why I've taken that approach. I definitely am a podcaster and proud to be one, but that's not, that's rarely how I bSupport the show
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Please pardon the delay on the release of this episode!
Jody Maberry is back and we discuss the latest and greatest. You can learn more about Jody over at
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02:54 Well, the approach that I take is that I'm a consultant. That podcast. I'm a businessman that podcasts, like I know a podcast stuff, but the reason this works for me is because of the people I work with, they've never looked for a podcast or to help them. They've always looked for somebody that understands them, understand what they do, understands business, and if you can help them use podcasting to get their message out, then so be it, but that. So that's why I've taken that approach. I definitely am a podcaster and proud to be one, but that's not, that's rarely how I bSupport the show