So Money with Farnoosh Torabi
So Money with Farnoosh Torabi
Farnoosh Torabi
619: Ana Homayoun, "Social Media Wellness" Author
41 minutes Posted Aug 30, 2017 at 12:00 am.
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Ten years ago kids when our guest Ana Homayoun would ask her students for their biggest distractions they’d list friends, sports and their pets. Now, the top distraction is the internet, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram.

As a parent how do we enforce healthy rules around the internet and social media for our kids? How do we, ourselves, leverage the internet to enhance productivity, as opposed to just turning it into one big distraction? Ana Homayoun knows all. She is the author of the very new book Social Media Wellness and comes to this discussion with over fifteen years of experience working with students, educators and administrators. Ana is also the founder Green Ivy Education Consulting, a firm that specializes in promoting time management and wellness issues in the classroom and school communities.

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