Science... sort of
Science... sort of
Ryan Haupt
Ep 166: Science... sort of - Paradigm Shifted
1 hour 26 minutes Posted Feb 26, 2013 at 3:56 pm.
We get a bit distracted talking about mythical winds in the opening but that soon blows over and we're left with part 1 of Ryan's interview with Daniel H. Wilson about his novel Amped coming out in paperback as well as the history of sci-fi writing and the state of modern book burners.
Since Daniel told us about his favorite Portland brews and donuts, Ryan braves Rogue's Voodoo Doughnut Bacon Maple Ale, which was not good, but thanks to a donation from James K. was able to wash it down with a Shocktop Midnight Wheat. Thanks, James! Patrick was also gifted a beer by his sister Courtney, in this case a Newcastle Werewolf which is about as disappointing as all the werewolf movies Patrick has forced his wife to sit through. On the other hand, Charlie is loving his Rockwall Wine Company Zinfandel.
This week we try something a bit different for Trailer Trash Talk by pondering the future of TV on demand thanks to Netflix's ambitious House of Cards.
Time for part 2 of Ryan's interview with author Daniel H. Wilson. This time: Turing tests, Ultron, raising kids while thinking about AI, and affirmation from others. Enjoy!
PaleoPOWs are lot like Turing Tests; we can be pretty sure the person writing the e-mail is human, but we can never be certain. Ryan jumped the gun in the drinking segment so nothing to report here. Charlie reads some of the recent iTunes reviews glorifying Ben from the likes of chmegs013 and majorham. And Patrick has a glowing e-mail from Emily H. who managed to enjoy the podcasts of the Brachiolope Media Network even without internet!
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Show notes
00:00:00 - We get a bit distracted talking about mythical winds in the opening but that soon blows over and we're left with part 1 of Ryan's interview with Daniel H. Wilson about his novel Amped coming out in paperback as well as the history of sci-fi writing and the state of modern book burners.
00:26:23 - Since Daniel told us about his favorite Portland brews and donuts, Ryan braves Rogue's Voodoo Doughnut Bacon Maple Ale, which was not good, but thanks to a donation from James K. was able to wash it down with a Shocktop Midnight Wheat. Thanks, James! Patrick was also gifted a beer by his sister Courtney, in this case a Newcastle Werewolf which is about as disappointing as all the werewolf movies Patrick has forced his wife to sit through. On the other hand, Charlie is loving his Rockwall Wine Company Zinfandel.
00:36:54 - This week we try something a bit different for Trailer Trash Talk by pondering the future of TV on demand thanks to Netflix's ambitious House of Cards.
00:52:31 - Time for part 2 of Ryan's interview with author Daniel H. Wilson. This time: Turing tests, Ultron, raising kids while thinking about AI, and affirmation from others. Enjoy!
01:10:43 - PaleoPOWs are lot like Turing Tests; we can be pretty sure the person writing the e-mail is human, but we can never be certain. Ryan jumped the gun in the drinking segment so nothing to report here. Charlie reads some of the recent iTunes reviews glorifying Ben from the likes of chmegs013 and majorham. And Patrick has a glowing e-mail from Emily H. who managed to enjoy the podcasts of the Brachiolope Media Network even without internet!
Thanks for listening and be sure to check out the Brachiolope Media Network for more great science podca
Music for this week's show provided by:
Shadow Stabbing - Cake
Midnight Show - The Killers
House of Cards - Radiohead
Synthetic Dreams - 9dw (from the playlist Die Galaktischen Roboter)