Radical Personal Finance
Radical Personal Finance
Joshua Sheats
440-How to Grow Your Podcast Audience with Effective Marketing
28 minutes Posted Mar 23, 2017 at 2:00 am.
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Today's show is dedicated to marketing. I focus on answering a specific question about podcast marketing, but I do share a number of tips that are applicable on a broader basis.

Here's the question:

Hi Joshua, I was inspired to start my own podcast six months ago when I listened to your episode 300 entitled "30 podcasting lessons learned from 300 episodes". Your words of encouragement were invaluable for me and really made me believe I could do this. Your suggestion to focus on content and not the technical aspect of podcasting was the most significant takeaway for me. The podcast is only 30 episodes in and we consistently publish an episode every single week but wondered if you could provide some suggestions on how to grow your audience. Background information: Candian based personal finance podcast, host/co-host format, with the occasional guest Thanks so much, Trevor Simple Money Solutions podcast