POLITICO's Pulse Check
POLITICO's Pulse Check
Aneesh Chopra on why health care's data revolution has arrived
58 minutes Posted Sep 15, 2016 at 12:45 pm.
Aneesh Chopra has a lot of titles. He was the nation's first Chief Technology Officer, under President Obama. He's been a venture capitalist, a consultant, an entrepreneur and an author. And according to David Axelrod, Chopra is an evangelist for the power of “digitizing information” — especially in health care. Chopra joined POLITICO's Dan Diamond to reminisce about what they learned at the Advisory Board (starts at the 2:30 mark), why Chopra left the private sector to go work for Tim Kaine
what he did as the White House’s first CTO and his perspective on Obamacare
why he’s so bullish on the power of health data
why he thinks the government is leading the way
and what Silicon Valley can do in health care
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Aneesh Chopra has a lot of titles. He was the nation's first Chief Technology Officer, under President Obama. He's been a venture capitalist, a consultant, an entrepreneur and an author. And according to David Axelrod, Chopra is an evangelist for the power of “digitizing information” — especially in health care. Chopra joined POLITICO's Dan Diamond to reminisce about what they learned at the Advisory Board (starts at the 2:30 mark), why Chopra left the private sector to go work for Tim Kaine (8:15), what he did as the White House’s first CTO and his perspective on Obamacare (14:30), why he’s so bullish on the power of health data (23:30), why he thinks the government is leading the way (32:30), and what Silicon Valley can do in health care (40:15). Plus: Don't miss the lightning round quiz at 51:10. We’d appreciate your help: Please share PULSE CHECK and rate us on your favorite podcast app! Have questions, suggestions or feedback? Email ddiamond@politico.com.