Bloomberg Intelligence
Bloomberg Intelligence
P&L: TPP Is Dead, Former Adviser to Bill Clinton Says
28 minutes Posted Nov 16, 2016 at 1:13 pm.
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Robert Lawrence, a professor of International Trade and Investment at the Harvard Kennedy School and former economic adviser to Bill Clinton, discusses the outlook for trade as Donald Trump pledges to tear up NAFTA and TPP. Then, Pimm Fox and Lisa Abramowicz talk to Javier Blas, the chief energy correspondent for Bloomberg, about oil outlook and OPEC dynamics. Also, Lowell Yura, the head of multi-asset solutions at BMO Global Asset Management, discusses why Europe remains the greatest risk to portfolios. Finally, Mark Niquette, a politics and national government reporter for Bloomberg News, says one of the more interesting names being floated around for Trump's cabinet is Ted Cruz for attorney general.

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