Muscle for Life with Mike Matthews
Muscle for Life with Mike Matthews
Mike Matthews
Should You Use Supersets to Build Muscle Faster? What 18 Studies Say
44 minutes Posted Jun 6, 2018 at 10:21 am.
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Supersets are a staple of classic bodybuilding workouts.

You find them in almost every muscle building magazine, book, and blog, and Golden-era bodybuilders like Franco Columbu, Frank Zane, and Arnold swore by them.

But how effective are supersets?

And how do they compare to simpler muscle building techniques like increasing volume (reps), frequency, or intensity (load)?

Well, the short story is that supersets aren’t inherently good or bad—it all comes down to how you use them. Use them correctly, and they can help you finish your workouts faster without hurting your performance. Use them incorrectly, however, and they’ll probably slow down your progress.

Let’s get started.

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