MTG Pro Tutor - Insights, Tips & Advice from Magic: The Gathering Pros
MTG Pro Tutor - Insights, Tips & Advice from Magic: The Gathering Pros
Shaun Penrod talks tips and stories with professional Magic: The Gathering
34: Zvi Mowshowitz Teaches You To Develop A Growth Mindset
57 minutes Posted Oct 13, 2015 at 1:00 am.
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Zvi Mowshowitz has 9 Grand Prix top 8s including winning Grand Prix New Orleans. He has 4 Pro Tour top 8s including being the champion of Pro Tour Tokoyo in 2001. He was inducted into the Magic: The Gathering Hall of Fame in 2007. Zvi was born and raised in New York City.

Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Zvi Mowshowitz when he shared his story on MTG Pro Tutor today! Click here:

First Set


 The Dark (first booster pack)


Favorite Set

Limited: Innistrad

Favorite Card

Jayemdae Tome

What makes Magic: The Gathering fun for you?

The people he's met and the friends he's made. Zvi met his best friend through Magic as well as a business partner for one of his ventures.

Zvi also loves that Magic is constantly changing. 

Early Challenge

Age and travel distance were an obstacle for Zvi early on. Thankfully his parents trusted a fellow player (who was older) and allow him to take Zvi to tournaments that were further away.

Level Up Moment

Zvi's first Pro Tour (during Tempest block) where he realized he was actually good and could swing it with the big guys is when Zvi started taking his training seriously.

Proudest Magic Moment

Winning Grand Prix New Orleans

Best Format

Block Constructed

How to Choose a Standard Deck

If you want to dominate your local scene, stick with one deck. If you want to really improve, play with a lot of different decks so you learn how they play and how to beat them.

Biggest Mistake Players Make

Always play to win.

HOWEVER, don't ever feel like your time and energy was wasted if you lose.

Walk away from every event asking two questions: Did I learn something? Did I enjoy it?

Have a growth mindset. Say "today will not be a waste, and in order for it to not be a waste I have to learn something." 

Failure to identify the key resources in any given game is the biggest mistake Zvi sees players make. 

Who has inevitability? A lot of people just play and don't have a plan and don't track who has inevitability to win?

Mid-level players often play around things that they either can't play around or shouldn't play around.

Card Evaluation Tips

Wait until the full spoiler comes out before evaluating the set for Limited.

Sealed & Draft Tips

Sealed: What are your amazing cards? Focus on having a good curve of good cards. Generally you want two colors with early drops and a reasonable curve.

Avoid the devil's mana base. (6/6/6 lands)

Draft: If what you pass to your left is not a bomb, just remember the color and don't waste brain space on memorizing the exact card.

Tournament Prep & Team Building

Find people that you get along well with and test with them.

Travel together and split a room (for cost reasons).

Improvement Suggestions

Watch others draft. Have others watch you and give you feedback. Proxy up decks. Play online for repetitions.

Magic Resources


Magic Online

Channel Fireball

Star City Games - Great tournament circuit

Connect With Zvi

Twitter: @TheZvi

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