Medgeeks Clinical Review Podcast
Medgeeks Clinical Review Podcast
ACE Inhibitors and Angioedema
7 minutes Posted Jan 24, 2019 at 11:19 am.
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Today, I want to talk about a specific topic, that I've seen about 5 times total in my career:

Ace inhibitor induced angioedema

The first question we should ask is, why do we care (aside from it being fatal)?

Well, many patient's have hypertension, and many of them are placed on an ACE inhibitor. This makes ACE inhibitors the number one cause of drug induced angioedema in the United States.

The most important thing to remember is the pathophysiology. 

Today, we'll do a quick review of...

  • The pathophysiology behind why this occurs
  • Why steroids and antihistamines will NOT help in this situation
  • How our patient will present
  • How long after an ACE is started will angioedema present?
  • Diagnosing ACE induced angioedema
  • Treating and managing your patient


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