Lifetime Cash Flow Through Real Estate Investing
Lifetime Cash Flow Through Real Estate Investing
Rod Khleif
Ep #143 - Damion Lupo - Author Reinvented Life, Damion built a $10 million real estate fortune, lost it and reinvented his life.
29 minutes Posted Jul 16, 2017 at 10:00 pm.
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Show notes

 Here’s some of what you will learn:

  • Picking your market.
  • Building a $10,000,000 fortune from scratch in his 20’s and then lost it all because of ego, greed and speed.
  • Asking better questions.
  • Email to receive a list of Rod's questions.
  • The benefit of writing and journaling.
  • In the the face of gratitude and action, fear flees.
  • How interest rates effect real estate investing.
  • What is debt service coverage ratio?
  • Book Recommendation: Reinvented Life by Damion Lupo.
  • Connect with me on Facebook at Rod Khleif.
  • Text Rod to 41411 or visit for a FREE copy of my book, “How to Create Lifetime Cash Flow Through Multifamily Properties.”

Our Guest

You can learn more about Damion Lupo at:


Want to build Lifetime Cash Flow from Multifamily Properties? If you’re committed to creating the life you deserve, we've created the best multifamily training and coaching program on the market. I personally coach you on your path to create the life of your dreams. I will help you CRUSH it in this business!  - if you'd like to receive information about our program, text CRUSH to 41411 now.


Recommended Resource

  • Looking to invest in a multi-family real estate project? Want to partner with me personally on a deal? To schedule a time for us to talk click on this link:

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Posted in Podcast Tagged acquisitions, Damion Lupo, Total Control Financial, Reinvented Life, apartment investing, apartments, appreciation, Assisted Living, broker, brokers, business, cash flow, cashflow, commercial, commercial real estate, CRE, CRE investing, Defaulted paper, Donald Trump, entrepreneur, equity, Eviction, expert, experts, Foreclosure, funding, Hedge fund, investing, investing in real estate, investments, Rod Khleif, Rod Khleif Florida, Rod Khleif Real Estate, Riyad Khleif , manager, mergers, millionaire, multi-family, multifamily, Office, passive income, podcast, private lending, private money, property management, raw land investing, real estate, real estate broker, real estate cashflow, real estate coaching, real estate investing, real estate investor. Investing, REIT, Retail, Robert Kiyosaki, sales, Sales Coach, sales expert, Sales Training, Self Storage, Selling, Senior Living, Shopping Center, Short Sale, Suburban Office, syndication, training, value add, Repositioning assets, multi-family expert, multifamily expert, multi family investing, multifamily training