LeadingAgile SoundNotes: an Agile Podcast
LeadingAgile SoundNotes: an Agile Podcast
Dave Prior, Agile Consultant & Certified Scrum Trainer
ScrumMaster Survival Tips w/ Sarah Smith
21 minutes Posted Apr 18, 2019 at 2:49 am.
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Show notes

This week, on LeadingAgile’s SoundNotes, Staff Consultant Sarah Smith shares some tips to survive the role of ScrumMaster. During the interview, Sarah and Dave discuss how to create a stakeholder map that a ScrumMaster can use to understand the best approach to take when interacting with different stakeholders in the organization. They also talk about how to develop greater empathy for stakeholders and how important it is to understand the different motivators driving their behavior, as well as how to use that information to get better at managing your relationship with the stakeholders in your organization.

Further Reading

Here are some of the books that Sarah and Dave recommend for learning more about navigating the tricker parts of interacting with stakeholders in your organization:

Contacting Sarah Smith
Contacting Dave Prior

If you’d like to contact Dave you can reach him at:

If you have a question you’d like to submit for an upcoming podcast, please send them to dave.prior@leadingagile.com