Justice In America
Justice In America
The Appeal
Justice In America Season 2 Welcome!
1 minutes Posted Jan 11, 2019 at 5:15 pm.
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Each show we discuss a topic in the American criminal justice system and try to explain what it is and how it works.

Season 2 we’ll be discussing everything from public defense to the death penalty to juvenile justice and more. Featuring interviews with Jon Rapping, Mariame Kaba, Sara Tontonchi, and Marlon Peterson, just to name a few.


Josie Duffy Rice is a Senior Strategist at the Justice Collaborative and Senior Reporter at The Appeal. Most of her work focuses on the impact that prosecutors have on communities in America, particularly for poor people and people of color.

Clint Smith is a writer, a PhD student at Harvard who has spent a lot of time teaching in prisons and whose research is centered on putting the criminal justice system in a larger historical context.