It's Not That Serious
It's Not That Serious
Anna Lind Thomas
EP68: You don't need to impress nobody! Freedom from the chains of status
57 minutes Posted Jul 9, 2018 at 3:00 am.
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Trying to impress people is exhausting and never ending. Man uses things like status to create hierarchies of control, but to God - all of that is meaningless. It doesn't matter how many famous people you name drop, your connections, your title, your status or whether or not you're dating a Kardashian (especially that last part).

You're free from trying to be something the world thinks is important and free to be exactly who you are. You don't need a PhD, be a CEO or have a popular YouTube channel to be somebody special - you already are.

It's time to stop wasting time on things that are useless and pursue what really matters - then maybe we can finally get some things done around here!

Enjoy the show