Inspired Money
Inspired Money
Andy Wang, Runnymede Capital Management
035: Overcoming Adversity and What Makes a Millionaire | Dr. Jude Miller Burke
42 minutes Posted Apr 17, 2018 at 3:00 am.
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Show notes

Dr. Jude Miller Burke shares findings from her books including common characteristics of millionaires and how many people have turned their childhood adversities into success.

Guest Biography

Dr. Jude Miller Burke, is former Vice President of Operations, at Optum, United HealthGroup, where she built a national subsidiary providing employee assistance services. Previous to that position she worked at a large division of Honeywell in Minneapolis as the Manager of Employee Assistance, Health, and Wellness. She recently provided executive coaching at the University of St. Thomas Business Center in Minneapolis, Murro Partners, and JAMB Consulting in Phoenix, Arizona. She is the author of two books, The Millionaire Mystique: How Working Women Become Wealthy and You Can Too! and The Adversity Advantage: Turn Your Childhood Hardship Into Career and Life Success. Both books are based on a multi-phase scientific research study clearly explaining the pathways to achieve success and overcome adversity. Available at and independent bookstores.

Show notes:

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Common characteristics of millionaires that we might emulate.
  • That childhood adversities don't have to deter you but can actually give you advantages that prepare you for success.
  • How doing things that you enjoy and finding your purpose can make you more tenacious and resilient.

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Special thanks to Jim Kimo West for the music.