Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler
Inspire Nation Show with Michael Sandler
Michael Sandler, Jessica Lee
TOP WAYS TO GET A BETTER NIGHT'S SLEEP TONIGHT!!! Shawn Stevenson | Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire
58 minutes Posted Jun 29, 2017 at 5:00 pm.
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If you’ve ever wanted to feel healthier, more rested, sharper of mind, and get a fantastic night’s rest, then do we have the sleep smarter show for you! 

Today I’ll be talking with Shawn Stevenson, founder of the Model Health Show, and author of the best-seller Sleep Smarter.

And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about essential strategies to sleep your way to a better body, better health, and bigger success. 

That plus we’ll talk about madden football, why we want to sleep through the melatonin show, why we want to bring back cortisol and david hasselhoff, why it’s not cool to wear shades, the hormonal goodfellas, the power of the big O, why position matters, and you should beware the midnight strangler,

Health & Fitness Self-Improvement & Self-Help topics include:

  1. How do we make sleep sexy?
  2. How do we get more quality out of your sleep
  3. How to optimize your sleep
  4. Eric Thomas – had no idea was optimizing his sleep
  5. What in the world is twinkie sleep?
  6. How do you get more nutrition out of your sleep
  7. What’s pseudo sleep?
  8. Why do we need to get the light down?
  9. What’s going on in our brain when we sleep
  10. What’s going on with the hypothalamus
  11. What’s the glymphatic system?
  12. How do we move past the fear of missing out
  13. What is serotonin and what does it have to do with sleep?
  14. Why a twinkie can trash your sleep
  15. What does melatonin have to do with anything?
  16. Why is it important to walk first thing in the morning
  17. What’s the deal with cortisol, and why has it gotten a bad rap?
  18. Why is i.flux of f.lux?
  19. What can we learn about sleep and weight-loss
  20. What’s crucial to know about caffeine and sleep
  21. What does cold have to do with sleep
  22. What they do in Finland and Sweden for babies to sleep
  23. What’s it mean to sleep cool but rock socks
  24. What ayurvedic medicine has to do with sleep
  25. What’s the danger of the graveyard shift?
  26. What’s the connection between staying up late and high blood pressure
  27. What staying up late has to do with fat
  28. Why proper sleep is more impactful on health and appearance than diet and exercise combined
  29. What’s the importance of the big ‘o’ and sleep
  30. What are the benefits of meditation and sleep
  31. Why meditation makes such a big different with your sleep
  32. Why meditation breathing, or mindfulness and breathing improves your sleep
  33. Why is grounding or ‘earthing’ so important for your sleep – vitamin G (for ground)
  34. What advice for parents to help kids / children sleep at night
  35. Where can you find sleep smarter or includes free bonus 21 video series, and look up his The Model Health Show podcast

 Shawn Stevenson of The Model Health Show on The Power of Great Sleep & How to Get It! Weight Loss | Fitness | Diet | Nutrition | Inspiration | Inspirational | Spiritual | Spirituality | Meditation | Motivational | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire

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