Hello PhD
Hello PhD
Joshua Hall and Daniel Arneman, PhDz
026: Career Advice from A Successful Scientist
27 minutes Posted Jan 3, 2016 at 5:55 pm.
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When you’re worried about today’s experiments and tomorrow’s time points, it’s easy to lose sight of what’s really important for your career and your life.  Why not start the New Year with a new perspective?

Looking Back and Moving Forward
In this episode, we consider the advice of Robert J. Sternberg, PhD,  a self-described geezer and well-respected academic.  He’s Professor of Human Development at Cornell University, and has co-authored over 1,500 publications.  He wrote an article for the Chronicle of Higher Education laying out his career advice for other academics.
His tips range from simple (“Save as much money as you can”) to subtle (“Be true to yourself”), but all of them are worth a few moments of consideration as we enter 2016.  Here’s the list, with more detail included in the article:
Career Advice From an Oldish Not-Quite Geezer

* Put your family first.
* Make your health a close second.
* Save as much money as you can.
* If you’re in the wrong place, get out.
* Stay away from jerks.
* If you’re not having fun, something’s wrong.
* Be true to yourself.
* Don’t tie up too much of your self-esteem in someone else’s evaluation of your work.
* Take stock periodically.
* Have a hobby. See the world. Or both.
* Help others.
* Take some risks.

Pop a Cork
Also in this episode, Josh and Dan pop some bubbly to celebrate the New Year and some exciting milestones for the Hello PhD podcast.  Thanks to all of you joining us on this journey, and we can’t wait to make science a friendlier, happier place in 2016!