Grassfed Life
Grassfed Life
Diego Footer
Farmers Markets, Farm Tours, On Farm Sales - Are they worth it? - The Steps and the Process [GFL13]
1 hour 3 minutes Posted Jun 27, 2016 at 12:00 pm.
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Many farmers like Darby work at least 60 hours per week - that's 7 days a week, from May through September. That's a lot of hours. It's much higher average workload during that time specific time frame than your average American. But we can't just focus on those numbers, because there's more to the story. Think about the off season. For many farmers the workload is seasonal. They spend a lot of time working in the summer and a lot of time not working in the winter. That brings the year round average of total hours worked down, probably closer to the national average for the average Joe American work. But there's a difference between the two workers, the average entrepreneur and farmer own is also working for themselves. Their efforts are directly going towards something more than just money, they are building a business. It's not just putting hours in for dollars; it's also getting something that has the potential to have more longevity than they have. Both in the near term and the long term as equity is built in the business and a business can often work 24/7 for a long time, effectively working when you can't. Meaning as the business owner you leveraged your hours now for longer term gain. Another factor to consider is - where are those hours spent? If you are farmer then they are probably spent on farm which means on your land where you live. You are spending a lot of hours working around your house. You aren't leaving each day to go to work, other than walking out the door. There's no commute. Which means you are around your family and any down time like breaks and lunch can be spent with them, or however you see fit. A far cry from the more family isolated hours of the average American worker. There's more to the hours worked per week, than just the hours worked per week. This is important to understand if you are thinking about getting into farming and these long summer work hours are scaring you. You need to look deeper; you need to look at where those hours of work are taking place and what those hours of working are going towards. Because what on the surface appears to be insane hours, how insane is it really? And at the end of the day is the average American worker the one who’s really putting in the insane hours week after week, year after year?


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