Grassfed Life
Grassfed Life
Diego Footer
Time is Money - Advantages, Disadvantages, and Things to Consider for Farm Scale Poultry Processing [GFL5]
59 minutes Posted May 2, 2016 at 12:00 pm.
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"I am looking into starting my farming business soon, in nearly such a manner as you did Darby, while working a full time job in the city.  I plan to start with chickens and have a few questions.... Did you start out processing your own birds? I ask because I live in Georgia and there is a 1000 bird limit per year before you have to go through an inspected slaughter house. While I don't plan to start out with 1000 birds per year, i was curious if it is worth purchasing the processing equipment to only be forced to use a slaughter house if my sales grow greater than 1000 in a few years." That's an email question that one of you send in... and that's what we will be talking about in this episode - processing poultry. In today's episode we will talk about How if Darby process his birds on farm or off farm and why? We will talk about the importance of knowing what your state regulations are. And we'll look at selling whole chickens versus cuts. Today, it's 10 years of Darby's experience with processing condensed down into an hour.


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