Giving Thought
Giving Thought
Giving Thought
Philanthropy & Religion
37 minutes Posted Oct 16, 2018 at 1:19 am.
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In episode 35, we look at the the relationship between religion, faith and philanthropy. Including:


1) Faith as a factor in individual giving

-Evidence from behavioural science

-The role of places of worship in bring diverse communities together and making people aware of issues

-Religious identity, communities of purpose and giving circles

-Religious obligations to give: tithing, Tzedakah and Zakat


2) Organised religion and the evolution of charity

-1601 Statute of Charitable Uses: why wasn't religion included?

-The 1891 Pemsel Case and the "four heads of charity"

-US religious causes and closed congregations


3) Religion, philanthropy and civil society today

-Is religion still the most popular cause?

-Obligations to fund the monastic life in Myanmar and Thailand

-The deep relationship between international aid and religion

-Places of worship as community focal points and welfare providers

-Is the world getting less religious or more?

-Religious persecution