GAPS Diet Journey
GAPS Diet Journey
Taryn and Family Healing Food Allergies on GAPS Diet
48 minutes Posted Nov 11, 2012 at 3:00 pm.
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Taryn, husband Jeff and son Bracken are all following the GAPS Diet and have experienced many improvements in their health. Here are just a few things that have changed: relief from acid reflux and arthritis, more mental clarity, happier moods, sleeping better, blood sugar more level.  Jeff and Taryn love working with wood, wool, and herbs and they live a simple life in the country, dedicated to soulful pursuits. They follow a quiet path and create gifts of beauty to share with the world and bring joy. You can find the Wilson's online at their blog Wooly Moss Roots, Mystic Orb Etsy shop, Wooly Moss Roots Etsy shop, Facebook and Pinterest.
GAPS is the acronym for the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Nutritional Protocol founded by Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride which is healing children with autism and other disorders and adults are finding relief and healing from  common maladies.  Your host Starlene Stewart blogs about her journey at GAPS Diet Journey and you can find her on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.