FroKnowsPhoto Photography Podcasts
FroKnowsPhoto Photography Podcasts
SONY is making major MOVES: RAWtalk 137
1 hour 18 minutes Posted Jun 14, 2015 at 7:23 pm.
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This was a big week for Photo News with most of it centered around SONY announcing some new cameras that are sure to shake up the photo industry.  What SONY has done is spent the last decade or so carving out their niche.  I get asked all the time why I don’t like “mirror less” cameras.  I don’t dislike them I just don’t think they are there yet.  Do you notice what is going on with the new Sony A7, the grip has gotten larger, the buttons have shifted and it’s taking on a large feel.  What you’re going to see is the best of both worlds come together in the next 10 years. 
ATOMOS  ATOMOS ATOMOS, this weeks sponsor is Atomos and they were featuring the “Action Pack”.  Check out more information about it right here. .  We use the Atomos each week when we are in the studio.  It allows us to take just about any DSLR and via HDMI get a clean signal out allowing for recordings longer than what a normal DSLR will give you.  You have to check them out if you haven’t done so yet. 
This week we brought something new out for the show and it’s also our gear of the week.  We used the Redrock Micro “One Man Crew” director.  You have to check this thing out if you are a one man band looking to add some motion into your videos.
We had a few weeks off from Flying Solo so this week we brought it back to answer your questions followed by the Wheel Of FRO.
Don’t forget to check out all the photo news and more over at
Show Intro:
Photo News:
Gear of the Week:
Flying Solo:
Wheel of Fro: