Fourth Trimester Podcast: The first months and beyond | Parenting | Newborn Baby | Postpartum | Doula
Fourth Trimester Podcast: The first months and beyond | Parenting | Newborn Baby | Postpartum | Doula
Sarah Roselinda Trott
22: Susi Hately on How New Moms Can Prepare for and Recover from Pregnancy and Childbirth
57 minutes Posted Feb 7, 2017 at 2:55 pm.
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Having worked with women through all stages of pregnancy, from pre-natal right through postpartum, Susi Hately has observed that a lot of new moms seem resigned to the fact that post-baby body is just ‘the way things are’ – prolapses, dry vaginas, painful sex, leakage, etc. Susi is on our show to help educate expecting mothers on how to take care of their wellbeing during pregnancy, postpartum and beyond.