Food for Thought: The Joys and Benefits of Living Vegan
Food for Thought: The Joys and Benefits of Living Vegan
Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
Animals and The Age of Enlightenment: How thinkers in the 17th century paved the way for animal protection today
29 minutes Posted Feb 8, 2015 at 8:32 am.
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When you look at the arc of history in terms of human violence against animals, there is no doubt that things are significantly better than they were in the past. We've still got a lot of work to to, but when we step back and look at it from a broader perspective, we can see the paradigm shifts that took place in terms of how we regard and treat animals. One of those shifts can be traced back to what is called The Age of Enlightenment, and that's what we explore today.

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