Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union
Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union
FFU/KHU E3 2013 Special Episode: OMG...THE NEWS!!!
54 minutes Posted Jun 14, 2013 at 10:00 am.
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E3 2013 has been absolutely bonkers for information and news and the gang from FFU and KHU have come together to talk about the huge announcements. Darryl sits down with Branden and Spencer for this special E3 episode to talk about the huge news coming from Square-Enix this year! First up, the guys take some time to talk about the conference in general and give their input on how the show is going and how the different press events went; who won, who lost, biggest reveals, etc. But immediately after, they go straight into the news from Square-Enix; the announcement of Final Fantasy 15 and Kingdom Hearts 3. After giving their initial thoughts, they spend time talking about FInal Fantasy 15, it's exclusivity, it's relation to Final Fantasy 13, and the supporting cast members in the game. Then the trio talks about Kingdom Hearts 3 and what we know at this point. They talk about the teaser trailer, the story elements, how Microsoft players will be able to play without playing the other games, how Nomura thinks that the announcement was too early, and how more info will be at TGS and Disney Expo. The guys don't hold back on their thoughts and ideas, so make sure that you don't miss out! E3 has not disappointed this year and we'll be here to keep you posted on all the news and information that will be coming over the next few months! Stay tuned and enjoy the wild ride we're on!