Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union
Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union
FF Union: "The Land of Vana'diel" - Final Fantasy XI
1 hour 9 minutes Posted Jul 24, 2012 at 10:00 am.
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Welcome to a very special episode of Final Fantasy Union. This impromptu show brings Darryl and Brian together to talk about Final Fantasy 11. The guys spend some time talking about their experiences in the game and stroll down memory lane. Then they talk about Brian's new album called "The Land of Vana'diel" which is a full, 18 track album that rearranges the music from the FF11 original soundtrack. The album releases AUGUST 1st, 2012 and is COMPLETELY FREE. is where you need to go. Hear Brian talk about his inspiration for the album, get some new information on the album that hasn't been released yet, and make sure you stick around to hear a FULL track from the project as a preview. Come join the duo as they spend some time in the land of nostalgia and get excited about "The Land of Vana'diel" and its eminent release!