😀 Affiliate Marketing | Personal Development | Expect Success!
😀 Affiliate Marketing | Personal Development | Expect Success!
George Balek
009 | Delatorro McNeal II : "You either change or you'll be changed by change."
6 minutes Posted Aug 10, 2017 at 9:00 pm.
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Delatorro McNeal II is an internationally renowned professional speaker, peak performance expert and best selling author. Have you always dreamed of being a successful entrepreneur, but not quite ready to leave your day job? In this high-energy, motivational training session, this self-made entrepreneur shares key strategies for making the transition from where you are to where you want to be. He'll show you how to break through fear, identify your passion, create a larger vision, protect yourself against negative people, eliminate excuses, embrace change, develop more clarity, monetize your dream, and much more. Listen to Delatorro.