EOS Network Foundation
EOS Network Foundation
EOS Network Foundation
Unveiling WharfKit: The Future of Blockchain Development with Aaron Cox
55 minutes Posted Sep 22, 2023 at 5:52 am.
How Aaron became a block producer and started working on EOS
Origins of Greymass and where the idea came from
What is an SDK? Why does it matter?
Upcoming features: Session Kit, Contracts Kit, and Account Kit
The types of developers who will be able to use these tools
How Aaron envisions developers creating and extending those toolsets, and how they can get involved now
Wharf's vision for building on EOS and other Antelope chains
Release timelines and collaborations within the community
Advice for newcomers to the ecosystem
Possibilities with new tools
How people can learn more about Greymass and support their work in the ecosystem
Dogfooding some Wharf kits
Upcoming Webinar
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Join us as Aaron Cox from Greymass unpacks the innovations behind WharfKit. Dive into how WharfKit is transforming blockchain development, bridging web applications with diverse blockchain networks seamlessly. With WharfKit's intuitive tools, mastering decentralized app creation has never been easier.
The EOS Network Foundation coordinates financial and non-financial support to encourage the growth and development of the EOS Network. We’re harnessing the power of decentralization to chart a coordinated future for the EOS Network as a force for positive global change.
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