Don't Tell Our Wives: Warm Beer, Cheap Comedy, and News
Don't Tell Our Wives: Warm Beer, Cheap Comedy, and News
Don't Tell Our Wives - Warm Beer & Cheap Comedy
Bad Spouse Taxidermy,Alexa,Kanye West,Used Birds,Scary Toilets,Hotel Sex,Tinder for Cows,Reddit,Bowling Sewage - Ep. 32 - Funny News Comedy
28 minutes Posted Apr 25, 2019 at 9:00 pm.
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On this weekly episode of Delay Radio, we start off with a completely off the mark introduction, including of Honch, who leans back constantly every week. This time we lay down the rules, and maybe we'll just take the mic to his face.

We discuss random things as we always do, including Taxidermy, cows, and other things. As in many episodes, the Jethrow has a business idea. He wants to start a taxidermy business...featuring people's pets. We imagine that if something really bad happens to your may be too severe to recover. If you could do it to your pets, what about your spouse? His idea progressed, getting bigger and bigger. Picture the band at Chuck E Cheese's.....but your long gone loved one. Thank you for this golden moment Jethrow. After digging further, Honch brings up his sister in law's pet parrot that remembered the angry voices of people long gone.

After talking about new business ventures that will hopefully never happen, Honch discusses the 'super pooper' that was in the stall next to him. Honch felt relieved when that man was done...but what he noticed was that there was a phone number on the stall wall. The question of the episode was people call those?

If you're a cow farmer, did you know there is a dating app for cows called Tudder? It's like Tinder but different. It's literally for farmers to find a dating hook up, so mooooove over Tinder. 

After talking about cows, we found a question on Reddit, which is what is the WTF moment you were a part of, or was a part of. D discusses one of his crazy buddies who believed that a bowling alley toilet was plumbed into the sewage system. Long story long, share your WTF moment with us!