Don't Tell Our Wives: Warm Beer, Cheap Comedy, and News
Don't Tell Our Wives: Warm Beer, Cheap Comedy, and News
Don't Tell Our Wives - Warm Beer & Cheap Comedy
Play-Doh Smells,Dumb Criminals, Stupidest Fears,Time Travel Goals,Best Reddit Questions of The Week - Ep. 16 - Funny News Comedy
22 minutes Posted Jun 21, 2018 at 9:00 pm.
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On this week's comedy news podcast, we have a few funny topics. Including, the trademarked smell of play-doh (why don't they just spell it play dough?). In addition to this we have a case of mistaken identify from the police..

Honch jumps in with a story from Vancouver, Canada, where a criminal was listed as a drug dealer #1 on his phone, for which he was busted by police. We also find out what Honch is called on his cell phone. The moral of the story is stop challenging the authority....because there is always a reason why you get arrested...and be careful what your phone calls you

After getting arrested by the police, Jethrow tackles questions from Reddit, where we learn about the guys' worst fears including heights, being afraid of bees. Jethrow screams like a girl...and then runs from bees. He's not allergic to bees, but extremely afraid of them...especially the ones in his shed where his lawnmower is. The Honch is afraid of the kids slime, but he's really afraid of snakes and his willing to burn his house down to get away from them. We went way off topic to..from dog poop, to seaweed, to exercise, to throwing your back out.

After attempting to get back off topic, your childhood is about to be mixed up. The smell of Play-Doh is now trademarked. You got that right, the 'distinctive' smell of Play-Doh, which is described as, "sweet, slightly musky, vanilla like fragrance..." is trademarked. It caused Honch to drop some dough in his pants. Making kids regular since the mid 1900's.

After talking about Play-Doh, we talk about traveling back into time to half of your age, what would you do to change your futures? D would get the book from Back to The Future and win the lottery a few times. Honch would bet on Tom Brady, and Jethrow would leave himself for messages the future to not do certain things. D discusses his love of the NBC TV show Timeless.

You'll need an ambulance to listen to this.