Don't Tell Our Wives: Warm Beer, Cheap Comedy, and News
Don't Tell Our Wives: Warm Beer, Cheap Comedy, and News
Don't Tell Our Wives - Warm Beer & Cheap Comedy
North Korea's Kim Jong Un's Worst Nicknames, man wants to know if he's dead, terrible late night snacks, creepy music video, hot dog water and warm beer - Ep. 12 - Funny News Comedy
23 minutes Posted May 3, 2018 at 9:00 pm.
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We weren't sure if we were recording, but it turns out that we're all extreme radio DJ's. Finally this is the second episode that we got all four of the Delay Radio team together in one room, or around one pool table.

Steve North immediately gets us to dive into the news, where we talk about Jim Jong Un, North Korea's leader, visiting China, where they tried to keep it under wraps. People in China were using WeChat to name Kim Jong things like...'Fatty Fatty' and Kim Fat the III - which we turned into an episode of Sesame Street. We think Steve North's name of 'Dicktator' was a better fitting name at the time.

After attemping to poke fun at the country's leader, we dive into questions from Yahoo! Answers. Jethrow finds a man who wants to know whether or not is he dead, and he seems to think that the man is asking the question because maybe he was doing bath salts or Tide Pods. Apparently if everyone you know avoids you or ignores you, you think you might be dead. This leads us to ask, how do you know if you're dead? Honch quickly tells us that if you're able to submit this question online, you're probably alive. The discussion includes a terrible impressions or Mr. T (worst impression ever?).

After questioning our existence, we dive into a story about seafood, perhaps a late-nite snack. Honch prefers Snickers bars or frozen pizzas...not the (digusting French). For a few fake dollars (or real ones), there is now a vending machine for oysters that you can eat late at night (snot out of a rock according to Steve North). And have you ever noticed that they get the names of oysters from where they come from? Steve North tells us about what fruit in your lunchbox tastes like - it makes everything likeold fruit. And then the Honch takes us down his storied past, eating the best and worst foods.....without being dared (hint: Tuna fish).

We then dive into the last Interweb find, where The Jethrow's wife works at a pizza place...and he'll put this Internet gem on your Facebook for you. So a weird band that posted on the page for Mancino's pizza, made a comparison of sex to pizza. Listen in and tell us if it is accurate or not. So we have no idea what is happening with this band....there's a saxaphone, a girl that doesn't know what is happening and doesn't know how to get out of the music video (creeper cam alert). Honch takes us on a side quest to Subway, where he had to make them a cold cut combos with extra meat...or all of the meat. Is it just us that knows you can order double meat on your sandwiches...or order Deluxe?

We end the episode with shakespearian 'would you rathers'. Would you rather drink a gallon of used hot dog water, or a glass of someone elses food sweat? We dive right into the liquid discussion, and it does matter whose foot it is...because we'd much rather drink the hot dog water. And does it have pulp in it? Jethrow ended us out with the feeding of hot dogs (not us, an old girlfriend). That relationship didn't last very long. Jethrow had one more 'would you rather' involving beech sand and the chewing of seaweed, and Honch is completely grossed out by seaweed.