Disrupting Japan: Startups and Innovation in Japan
Disrupting Japan: Startups and Innovation in Japan
Tim Romero: Serial startup founder in Japan and indomitable innovator
One way to unlock Japan’s broken e-commerce
20 minutes Posted Feb 6, 2023 at 12:00 pm.
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Sometimes it seems like Japan is almost invisible in global e-commerce.

Despite a dynamic domestic e-commerce market and a long tradition of global exports, Japan just  doesn't seem that interested in selling to the outside world.

But things are changing, and Kazuyoshi Nakazato of Zig Zag is working to make sure they change even faster.

We talk about why Japan is unrepresented in global e-commerce, why that's changing, some things you should never try to sell online.

It's a great conversation, and I think you'll enjoy it.