Disrupting Japan: Startups and Innovation in Japan
Disrupting Japan: Startups and Innovation in Japan
Tim Romero: Serial startup founder in Japan and indomitable innovator
In Japan Partnerships are a Two-Edged Sword – Doug Chuchro – Fastly
50 minutes Posted Jan 23, 2017 at 12:00 pm.
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Sales is different in Japan.

When Fastly entered the Japanese market, they quickly discovered that they had change their technology-driven bottom up sales approach to fit Japan’s top-down enterprise market.

Today we sit down with Doug Chuchro, the Japan head of Fastly who explains how he had to chance both the sales strategy and the corporate culture from that of the US, which a highly knowledgeable user base who understood the workings of their technology as well as the sales team to Japan, where they frequently found themselves educating potential customers about what a content deliver network is and how they are used.

We also explore the importance of partners in the Japanese market, and how those relationships can be very much a two-edged sword.

It’s a fascinating conversation, and I think you’ll enjoy it.