CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers
CraftLit - Serialized Classic Literature for Busy Book Lovers
Heather Ordover
018: chapters 53-55 - Pride and Prejudice
1 hour 4 minutes Posted Aug 16, 2006 at 10:18 pm.
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Today, aside from chapters 53-55, we talk about , my love of the word "," (isn't it great?!) and I finally take Amy up on her suggestion weeks and weeks ago! Namely: I just read and really dug , by Fiona Buckley. Actually, I didn't just read that. I read the first three books in the series. I also have finished the series by , but my books are in boxes so I can't read you any bits from that. However, if you love books, and have a wicked sense of humor, The Eyre Affair is for you! I'm thinking that instead of a poll, I just want everyone to look at the cataloge and tell me what you like. I'll take the one with the most emails. I think I'll putter around with some of the short works first, just to give you some variety, then dive into another long book. Sound good? Email me your thoughts at MamaOKnits AT Gmail DOT com. As always, Pride and Prejudice is narrated by Annie Coleman. Intro music provided by which connected me with Joshua Christian’s "Chasing Hiro."