Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz
Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz
Blaze Podcast Network
A Vision for Dealing with China and North Korea Ep 137
51 minutes Posted Aug 10, 2017 at 12:33 pm.
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No, Mr. President, the 60-vote threshold did not prevent you from supporting conservatives in Alabama, from firing McMaster, from ending the Iran deal, from getting rid of DACA, or from signing bad budgets and debt ceilings.  Trump doesn’t need to get rid of the filibuster to stop taking in the refugees or to reject Australia’s refugee deal.  The point is there is so much the president can do unilaterally to match his rhetoric and campaign promises with actions, but sometimes he is just his own worst enemy. 

In this action-packed episode of the Conservative Conscience, we discuss everything from the Alabama Senate race and McMaster to Trump continuing Obama’s multiple amnesty programs.  On issue after issue, Trump can accomplish so much if he just hired personnel that shared his campaign vision.

Finally, we discuss a vision for dealing with North Korea and how it fits into our broader foreign policy and military mistakes.  We have wasted so much time, money, hardware, lives, deterrent, and political capital by getting involved in endless sinkholes refereeing Islamic civil wars in the Middle East.  This has hurt our deterrent and resolve to use our military for when it is needed most –  to combat or deter conventional threats from nation states like China, North Korea, and Iran when they directly threaten our interests.  The Islamic Jihad issue (minus Iran) is mainly an immigration, intelligence, counter-terrorism, and values problem, not a military problem.  The military needs to be re-oriented to deal with military threats.  Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan do not qualify.  Further involvement there just hurts our deterrent against China and North Korea, which we will have to confront sooner or later.     

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Show links

ZOA’s case against McMaster

Why Trump’s defense of McMaster is indefensible

Trump’s swims with the swamp in Alabama

Trump’s negotiation tactic with North Korea is good. He should apply it to Schumer  

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