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Cloud Engineering Archives - Software Engineering Daily
Edge Kubernetes with Venkat Yalla
50 minutes Posted Jul 30, 2018 at 2:00 am.
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“Edge computing” is a term used to define computation that takes place in an environment outside of a data center. Edge computing is a broad term. Your smartphone is an edge device. A self-driving car is an edge device. A security camera with a computer chip is an edge device.

These “edge devices” have existed for a long time now, but the term “edge computing” has only started being used more recently. Why is that? It is mostly because the volume of data produced by edge devices, and the type of computation that we want from edge devices is changing.

We want to develop large sensor networks to enable smart factories, and smart agriculture fields. We want our smartphones to have machine learning models that get updated as frequently as possible. We want to use self-driving cars, and drones, and smart refrigerators to develop elaborate mesh networks–and perhaps even have micropayments between machines, so that computation can be offloaded from edge devices to a nearby mesh network for a small price.

Kubernetes is a tool for orchestrating distributed, containerized computation. Just as Kubernetes is being widely used for data center infrastructure, it can also be used to orchestrate computation among nodes on-premise at a factory, or in a smart agriculture environment. In today’s episode, Venkat Yalla from Microsoft joins the show to talk about Kubernetes at the edge, and how Internet of things applications can use Kubernetes for their deployments today–and what the future might hold. Full disclosure: Microsoft is a sponsor of SE Daily.

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