The Bible on Business
The Bible on Business
Trudy Beerman
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BUT WHY? Figure this out, 10X it, and YOU WILL TAKE ACTION toward your Success.
15 minutes Posted Nov 20, 2015 at 7:00 am.
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When you figure out your WHY, the 'whatever it takes' becomes easier.  However, I suggest you 10X that WHY in order to take MASSIVE ACTION!
Here is an example:  Heavy drinkers will not adopt the identity of alcoholics as long as they think staying sober is within reach. Any drinker who believes they can stay sober if they want to, even after spouting many reasons why they KNOW they should stay sober, will not achieve sobriety.  Even though they have a WHY - the urgency is not there because they believe the how is doable.
10X your WHY to the point where it seems overwhelming and all of a sudden the picture changes.  That heavy drinker who has a big WHY to be sober and realizes sobriety is NOT within easy reach, is now more likely to take MASSIVE ACTION toward achieving sobriety.  They are more willing to join AA.  They are more willing to rid the house of easy access to alchol and so on.  
10Xing your WHY and pushing it out of easy reach is the best way to get out of stall mode.  So instead of just saying you want to lose weight because you will feel better about your self. and example of 10Xing it would be; I want to be at my ideal weight because not only will I feel better about myself, but I need to do this because I deserve optimal health, because I want to experience life at premium levels, because when I have energy through the roof I become unstoppable, because when I achieve my ideal weight, then people will take me more seriously because they see I take my life seriously.  
Your WHY needs to be SO COMPELLING that instead of you PUSHING YOUR WAY toward achieving that thing, the WHY PULLS YOU!  "Pushing is so much more exhausting that being pulled!" Trudy Beerman
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