Champions of the Earth
Champions of the Earth
Champions of the Earth
Ep. 4: "Dragonfall"
1 hour 4 minutes Posted Jan 26, 2018 at 6:35 pm.
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The high school is safe... but the sleepy town of Beach Bay is beset by a an alien spacecraft that just transformed into a giant robot dragon. Can the Champions stop fighting or kissing long enough to come together and activate their new powers?
Olive gets frustrated. Nico gets bromantic. Mel takes a few too many shots. Martha gets a golden. Hux learns an important lesson about size.
During Intermission, Collin draws the first five SWAG WINNERS and we talk to Amanda. As always, send love, artwork, and GIFs to @championscast and use the #ChampionsCast hashtag on Twitter and Tumblr.