Cash Flow with James Martinez
Cash Flow with James Martinez
Wu Wei-Beginner's Luck-A guide to manifestation.
1 seconds Posted Dec 28, 2010 at 1:08 pm.
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Nahu has been a professional psychic counselor for over forty years. He began his psychic work as an in-house reader for La Costa Resort in Southern California. In the seventies, he resided at the HARMONY GROVE SPIRITUALIST FOUNDATION where he studied SPIRITUALISM, Mediumship and Psychism, taught classes, lectured and did readings.
His expansion and development was aided by over twenty years of work as reader for The Peace of Mind Bookstore in Tulsa, Oklahoma. There he also taught psychic Self-Development Classes based on Jane Roberts' Books. Nahu kept regular correspondence with Jane Roberts until her passing in 1983. During seventies and eighties, he often appeared on DAZE TV SHOW in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He also wrote articles for the Pet Psychic Column in THE SOUTHERN QUARTER HORSE JOURNAL. He enjoys investigating paranormal phenomena, Haunted Houses, Poltergeists. He also worked with Police Department on many nationally known murder cases.
Nahu has been interviewed on numerous radio stations throughout the U.S. and has written three books: UFOs: GOD FROM INNER SPACE, a children's book, DOlPHINA'S WORLD AND OTHER STORIES, and a book of metaphysical poems entitled: WAVELETS: Poetic Flotsam on the Sea of Life. He has a new book coming up on ESP - Expanded Sensory Perception. He also has a popular Youtube site devoted to 80 self-produced video's covering a wide variety of health, ESP, UFO and paranormal subject-matter.