Cars Yeah
Cars Yeah
Mark Greene
1049: Josh Maule is the co-founder of Heel Toe Socks located in Phoenix, Arizona.
37 minutes Posted Jun 8, 2018 at 2:00 am.
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Josh Maule is the co-founder of Heel Toe Socks located in Phoenix, Arizona. Josh and his business partner Brain Richardson are automotive enthusiasts who came up with the idea to design bold patterns inspired by legendary Ford, Datsun, and Porsche racing cars onto lightweight, breathable socks that are made in the USA. Josh is particularly fond of vintage cars and his past includes mountain bike racing. Heel Toe Socks is a sidepreneur venture as Josh’s day job is running Swimming Pool Science, a pool service and repair company. As a Father’s Day Special, Josh has offered two cool gifts to a couple lucky Cars Yeah Subscribers. The first winner will receive 1 pair of TF70 socks, a Heel Toe t-shirt, and a Heel Toe Socks poster. The second winner will receive one pair of TF70 socks that are autographed by Gulf Racing Team Director John Horseman, plus a t-shirt and poster.