Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive
Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive
Stephanie Dennis
Support podcast
8 minutes Posted Dec 19, 2016 at 6:27 pm.
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Feedback is so important, I cannot stress enough how important feedback is.

Here’s a question for you: 

Do you ask for feedback often? At work? At home? With friends?

Why or why not?

Take some time to think about that.  

Am I asking my boss for feedback?

Am I asking my colleagues for feedback?

Am I asking my spouse at home for feedback?

Am I asking my family for feedback?

Am I asking my friends what their thoughts are? 

This is really important. 

Specifically as it relates to our career, feedback is a really interesting part of our jobs that most of us only receive once a year.

Often it’s in the form of annual review, performance review or a merit increase conversation.

It is usually a very formal conversation and often it is not very helpful or productive. 

All employees care about what their raise is going to be.

Often managers need to just get the reviews done.

I want you to think about how you can get more feedback throughout the year so you can constantly be improving. 

If you sit down with your boss and they tell you hey Steph I think you did a really good job in A, B, C categories, I think you could use improvements in D, E and F categories and here are some examples from 3, 6 and 11 months ago.

What?!?! Why wouldn’t we get that feedback right away and on the spot.  

Here’s the deal, you need to ask for the feedback.

Ask hey manager how can I improve? What suggestions for you have for me? 

You need to be the one who takes charge of the conversation.  

THEN you need to be grateful for whatever the response is.

Feedback is a gift.

EVEN if we don’t like the feedback we get.

It tells us how we can improve and what people’s perceptions are of you.

It is a gift.

Even if you disagree, even if you think it’s complete bullshit. 

Now you know! 

Don’t react in a negative way if you get bad feedback, don’t get defensive, take notes, ask follow up questions.

You want to make the conversation easy so the person will want to share their feedback with you in the future. 

Ask questions like: 

How can I improve X metric?

What areas can I improve in?

Where do I do well? 

What are my strengths? 

Don’t forget to share your gratitude for the feedback!!! 

Thank you so much for listening.

I would love to connect and learn how I can help you! Connect with me below!!!

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Have an amazing, awesome, rockin day!!! 

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