Be Wealthy & Smart
Be Wealthy & Smart
Linda P. Jones
317: 1 Million Downloads + a BIG Announcement!
19 minutes Posted Sep 15, 2017 at 3:30 am.
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So excited to announce today we crossed 1,000,000 downloads on iTunes!

Wow! It’s very exciting!

It happens to be happening at the same time I have another exciting announcement! That is, I’m going to have a book published! I will be published by an independent publisher.

We had 3 publishers interested and I chose Post Hill Press.

The book will be available about a year from now on 9.18.18, what a great date!

It will be a roadmap to financial freedom and will start with the proper mindset and then go into practical solutions for avoiding the common big mistakes many people make with their finances that holds them back from getting their money working harder for them and achieving financial independence!

The message I have for you is simple: the wealthy aren’t smarter than you, they don’t have something you don’t. They simply had drive and determination to go after what they wanted, maybe with a laser focus. They persevered and kept doing what worked.

I like to share the story about Mrs. Fields cookies. Everyone knows how to make chocolate chip cookies, right? I think I first made them when I was 10 years old. So a 10 year old can make cookies, not hard, right?

Mrs. Fields focused on making it a business, growing a franchise and made a fortune. It took effort, it took hard work, it took determination. Probably sacrificing time and/or money too. It took a big effort, but she did it.

If that’s what you want, you’re going to have to start doing something different. I’m not saying you need to be an entrepreneur, but if you want financial freedom, you’re going to have to be focused and take action. It’s not just going to “happen”. You’re not likely to win the lottery and even if you did, many people that get easy money blow it all because they still don’t understand how to make money grow, they just know how to spend it. Blowing it is fun for a few minutes and then it’s gone.

Learning to grow it is so much more important so you can stay rich! Many people get rich (like athletes, actors, lottery winners), but don’t know how to make the money grow and soon it’s all spent so they don’t stay rich. They miss the opportunity for their kids and generations to have financial freedom because they blow it.

Because you’re here, I know that’s not your style. You’re taking the time to learn what to do with money, how wealth grows and how to keep it.

When I was young, I wondered why some people were rich and others weren’t. I wrote down the 6 Steps to Wealth to explain how step-by-step wealth happens.

Once I understood it, I was able to make it happen quickly because I got the concept. That’s what this podcast is all about! Helping you grasp the concept so you can achieve financial freedom.

Let’s quickly review the 6 Steps to Wealth again:

1. Create a wealthy mindset 2. Save a nestegg 3. Find a mentor/knowledge 4. Invest in a money engine 5. Compound at a high rate 6. Protect your wealth

You can be working on several steps at once.

Wealth is synonymous with compounding. The investing component to compound your money is most important, that’s why I’m not keen on being frugal being enough to get you there.

You’ve got to compound!

Be mindful with spending and make your dollars stretch farther, but also be aware of the BIG mistakes people make. In the financial world, we’re focused too much on the $3 latte and not enough on the $100k mistake of moving too often and paying real estate commissions, moving costs, remodeling, decorating costs, etc.! I’ve shared with you the story about remodeling my house. My husband and I were deciding whether to move or not. When I calculated how much money it would cost to pay a realtor commissions ($30k+); professional movers ($10k+); improvements, paint, carpet & repairs preparing to move ($10k+); remodeling in the home we purchased ($20k to $50k+); I realized it added up to $70k to $100k! It made more sense to stay put and invest the $100k in our existing home and make it work for us! We did that and it more than doubled in value so it was a great decision. Thinking like this and getting the BIG, expensive decisions right and not making mistakes is going to help you a lot more than giving up $3 lattes!

I’m so honored that we’ve reached 1 million downloads and you’re to thank! If you have shared this with friends and family, thank you. If you’ve left a review, I’m humbled and grateful. My passion and purpose in life is to help you achieve financial freedom and to make a global impact. We’re now in 171 countries, so if you are outside of the US, thank you. I know you may have to adjust things a little differently, but the 6 Steps to Wealth still apply to you, so use them!



I'm having a summer giveaway through the end of could win 6 awesome prizes:

5 of The Wealthy Mindset Blueprint (audio course): Learn how millionaires think the right thoughts for wealth before it happens (value $197)


1 Wealth Journal (book): Learn the 6 Steps to Wealth (value $67)

Here's what you need to do:

1. Leave the "Be Wealthy & Smart" podcast a review on iTunes (or Stitcher Radio for Android).

2. "Like" my Facebook Fan page at (if you're on FB, if not, that's ok).

3. "Follow" me on Twitter at

4. "Follow" me on Instagram @LindaPJones

5. Send me an email @ and let me know you did this!

(If you're not on FB, TW or IG, that's ok, just send me an email and let me know you left a review).

If you've already done all 4 above, great! Thank you! No need to do them again! Just email me @ and let me know.

All names will be dropped in a hat and a drawing will be done in early October for winners! 

  Move your net worth in the right direction by getting “11 Quick Financial Tips to Boost Your Wealth” at